Monday, January 28, 2019

Crazy Over Money

Last Thursday morning, just when I was about to leave, I got surprised to see that an MMDA ticket was on my car's windshield. It suddenly dawned on me that it was already past 8 in the morning and that the MMDA personnel who were doing their usual rounds already passed by our street. I know it was my fault but it did change my mood that day.

Fast forward today, I googled the corresponding penalties written in my MMDA ticket. There wasn't any amount indicated but there were codes associated with the supposed violations. Upon checking on their website, it totaled around P3,150. I was really surprised!

I don't know about other people but money could really turn me from being the happiest guy on earth to being the saddest. For me, that P3,150 could do a lot. It felt so disappointing. I'm blaming myself for waking up late that day.

I know that I could've just shrugged it off and move forward but I really can't help but overthink. I tend to compute the number of hours that I will be spending in my part-time job just to earn that much.

And just when I thought that things couldn't get worse, Metrobank, the only bank where I could pay the violations, said that they stopped accepting payments for MMDA tickets since December of last year. Now, I only have Bayad Center or SM Payment Center to pay the penalties but hopefully, they haven't stopped processing MMDA tickets too. What a day!


I know I'm not perfect. Help me to properly process this negative emotion that all of a sudden gets into me whenever I encounter money problems. Help me be creative enough to channel this emotion to more meaningful ways. 


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