Friday, November 24, 2017

God's Grace at Work

I was in training the past few days. At first, I was excited. It was a technical training and I don't have much idea about how their program works. However, on our third and last day, I got drained. Negative thoughts start popping out of my head. I started to feel insecure once again.

While I've been working in this industry for more than half a decade now, I still consider myself a newbie. I don't even think that I'm a technical person. This industry requires a very technical and evolving skill set. I've been struggling to keep up with the rest. I don't even know how I was able to survive these past six years.

God's grace. I believe it's all because of His grace. He's very generous in giving us second chances, wisdom and perseverance.

At times, I feel like I don't belong here. However, I also feel like that there's something in this industry that makes me survive and continue to move forward.

I'm probably just tired and overthinking. Or, I might've got exhausted because of too much social interactions. I'm an introvert, right? I probably just need some alone time.

John 1:16 From His fullness we have all received, favor upon favor.


I know You believe in me. You've created me in such uniqueness that I sometimes think that it's becoming more of a challenge than a blessing. Help me to understand this life. Help me to realize that through all of these confusions, Your light will eventually lead me to the path of success.


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