Sunday, March 27, 2016

4 Personas of a Christian Servant

I was at the Grand Easter Feast 2016 earlier held at the Mall of Asia Arena. I've been attending The Feast Bay Area for three months now but this is the first time that I heard a talk from Bro. Bo Sanchez.

I'll go straight to the part where I got struck. It was when he mentioned about the four types of persons - the Go, the No, the Flow and the Overflow. I myself is a servant and this talk really helped me understand why I am doing these things for the Lord. Let me go through each personas one by one.

The Go person is that type of servant that just say yes to every service. He will always find time to serve even if it costs so much. He's more than willing to share all his blessings. Because of this, he'll always end up tired and exhausted.

The No persona is the one that is afraid to share his blessings. He wants to keep it all for himself. He's greedy and selfish that way. Still, he feels unsatisfied.

The Flow person is the one who experienced how it is to be broken. And because of that, he could easily relate to the others who ask for help. He always communicate with God to continuously bless him so he could bless the others. However generous his acts may be, he's still broken. His generosity leaks through the broken parts of his life. He believes that by helping others, it would complete him. And yet, he still remains wounded and unhealed. Because of this generosity, he ends up incomplete and still yearning for more love and attention.

The Overflow persona is the healed Flow. Because he's already healed, the broken pieces in his life has already been patched by the grace of God. Like Flow, he's still able to share his blessings to the others but this time, he no longer runs out of blessings because there are no longer holes in his life that leak them. His blessings are now overflowing that he could easily give to those who need them.

Personally, I have identified myself as the Flow person. I'm broken but not healed. I continue to serve even if it costs me more than I could give. This makes me feel stressed and burned out.

I know that through time, these pains and wounds will be healed. That God will help me to be an Overflow person - someone that has been broken but managed to stand up, move on and continue to serve Him no matter what.

We all have our reasons why we choose to serve the Lord. But we have to remember that beyond those reasons, know that the most important is the one we serve. It doesn't matter how and what we do for as long as we know that it is God that we are serving, we will always strive to be Christ-like.

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